The latest news from RANA....

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Fire Safety Tips at Christmas from RANA 25/11/2011

A quick reminder to help reduce the risk of fire at Christmas. ... [More]

Basic First Aid for Burns 01/11/2011

With bonfire night fast approaching we at RANA risk management offer this basic advice for the treatment of burns. It is essential to apply the appropriate first aid to any burns as soon as possible, to limit the extent of the damage. ... [More]

Changes to RIDDOR reporting 19/09/2011

Are you aware of the changes from the current RIDDOR reporting system from the 12th September 2011 to an online system? ... [More]

NEW COURSES now available 05/09/2011

RANA risk management is now offering, at very competitive prices, two new courses in Water and Road Safety. ... [More]

Practical steps to reduce the risk of arson 12/08/2011

With the ongoing civil disturbance, business owners face a heightened risk of arson. ... [More]

First fire risk assessor jailed for breaches of the RRO 18/07/2011

A fire risk assessor and a hotel manager jailed for breaches of the Regulatatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. ... [More]

New British Standard Workplace first aid kit 17/07/2011

Don’t panic ~ Despite the hype, there is not such a thing as a HSE first aid kit, even though first aid suppliers tend to sell them. ... [More]

Sound advice 11/06/2011

RANA risk management has concerns that the hearing of people may be affected when working with excessive noise levels ... [More]

The dry weather continues 26/04/2011

Every year, fire destroys thousands of acres of countryside and wildlife habitats. ... [More]

RANA HR management 22/04/2011

RANA risk management now offers an HR service to ensure your business is compliant with current employment legislation. ... [More]

Are you parents at risk? 20/11/2010

Despite the fact that over half of all the people killed in an accidental fire in the home are aged 65 or over, most people in this age group don’t consider fire a risk! ... [More]

Employing young workers 31/07/2010

With many students seeking employment we at RANA risk management have been asked so many times what are the rules regarding these applicants. ... [More]

Crew member dies at pop concert. 18/07/2010

RANA has learnt that a crew member has died in Kent after falling backstage at an open-air concert. ... [More]

Holiday Season Approaches 13/07/2010

As the school holidays draw nearer we at RANA risk management would like to offer some fire safety advice to people who are planning a caravan or camping holiday. ... [More]

Heat wave continues! 02/07/2010

RANA risk management would like to enhance the Met Offices ’ first Heat-Health alert of the summer, as soaring temperatures have predicted in parts of the UK. ... [More]

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