About Us


After over 32 years active fire service gaining rich, real Fire, First Aid and Health and Safety experience I decided to use these skills in the area of risk management and training where I saw a need for unbiased, professional advice and services of the highest quality yet at affordable prices.  Therefore I created RANA Risk Management

At RANA you will get the best value, highest quality service possible and there will be no 'hard sell'.  We are fully insured.

I don't believe it's in my best interests or yours to recommend products or services that are not actually required.  We will use clear language and support you, no matter how bad the situation may be - we will effortlessly make things better for you.

We pride ourselves on our flexibility, being able to meet at times most convenient to you and designing our courses around the needs of your Company.

RANA stands for:

  •  Professionalism
  •  Quality
  • Affordability
  •  Flexibility and reliability

Have a look around the website and contact me for a chat I'm here even if you just want some free advice.


Steve Tomlin GIFireE Tech IOSH





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